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Become the leader you were created to be!
Is this right for you?
is right for you if…
You feel there’s a leader inside of you but you’ve not had the opportunity to explore or develop this.
You want to make a difference in your family, work-place, community or nation.
You’re willing to do what it takes to develop your leadership effectiveness

What is Leadership all about?
That all depends on how you define leadership. Leadership is not about your title or position.
Purposed Leaders – Who are they?
It’s people like you and me who have an innate sense of wanting to achieve a vision or a goal bigger than themselves to the benefit of others – as Robert Greenleaf put it – it’s a focus on serving first and then a conscious choice to lead.
What Do Purposed Leaders do?
They see the vision or goal and Inspire others to partner with them in fulfilling it, Serve others believing in their ability to achieve great things and they Connect with others in an authentic way – building strong relationships of trust.

Our Executive Leadership Team

Felicia Linch
Felica is a consultant, coach, author, and leader. She works internationally with Government’s and Senior Leaders in Business.

Andrew Linch
Andrew has experience as a Senior Manager in engineering and construction until he followed his passion for teaching.
He has used his technical skills to teach plumbing and other trades to prisoners in the UK and now teaches trade skills at a College in
Lincolnshire. He is a certified Growth Coach and he combined his
love of sports with teaching and qualified as a USGTF Golf Coach.
Our Passion
We are passionate about helping you, or your team, enhance your Personal Leadership Effectiveness. We want to help you become leaders of character who make an impact transforming your own life and the lives of others.
For us transformation doesn’t mean simply changing our outward behaviour or trying to develop good habbits. It mean breaking limiting mindsets that lead to the behaviour so that any change you make is long-lasting! How do we do this? By helping you:
- apply Universal Principles
- dare to think differently
- pursue your purpose with passion.
“Don’t conform to the pattern of this world, BUT be transformed by the renewing of your mind..”
10% of all profits from the sale of this groundbreaking book goes towards sponsoring leadership programmes for disadvantaged youth.
Who is the book for!
Felicia believes this book will particularly resonate with young adults and under 35’s. She is painfully aware of how external circumstances (including age, race, gender and sexual orientation), culture and life’s challenges can lead us to doubt ourselves and become invisible.
If that describes you, Felicia, shares her raw unfiltered story, the good, the bad and the ugly. All too often young adults only hear their parents or others successes as if they didn’t make any mistakes! She shares the leadership lessons she was able to draw from it all; lessons that have helped her to become the leader that she is today!
Felicia hopes this will spark a new generation of leaders – ones who know the importance of connecting, inspiring and serving!
Felicia Linch shares…
Her Leadership Journey
I learned I had a purpose and that if I would walk that out with principle I could make a difference in the world.
I talk a lot about purpose because none of us are on this earth by accident!
read more
Hi, I’m Felicia Linch, Founder and Director of Purposed4Leadership (P4L).
I launched P4L because I came to realise from my own leadership journey that there are many of us who are not seen as your typical leaders. This may be because of your background, education, gender or any other reason. Whatever it is you have been overlooked…invisible if you will. That can have a devastating effect on your identity and can lead to living a life that is inauthentic and lacks significance. P4L wants to help you step up to the challenge of being who you were created to be and to step out as a purposed leader.
My own journey led me to discover who I was created to be. It led me to understand that my passion, seen in the causes I care about, and my personality were not by accident but by design.
I learned I had a purpose and that if I would walk that out with principle I could make a difference in the world. I love walking my purpose out every day as I lead my company Kitch Consulting and Coaching Ltd and as a Transition Coach.
I talk about purpose because none of us are on this earth by accident! God planned for you and he has an exciting purpose for your life, just as he had for mine, whether you know him or not!
Stay connected to the latest leadership insights from P4L

passion . personality . purpose . principles
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We facilitate leadership development courses with a difference. We know organisations cannot succeed without great leadership at all levels. Let us help you and your team succeed!