Felicia Linch
Founder and Director of Purposed4Leadership
Felicia is an independent thinker prone to “telling it like it is” and with a gift for envisioning what is possible.
A true child of the diaspora, born and raised in the U.K., with a father from Nigeria, and mother from Barbados. She is passionate about connecting with people, transitioning well and her faith.
As a teenager, I didn’t fit in but had little idea why, and then as an adult, I often felt misunderstood. I came to realise it was because I rarely accepted the status quo or conformity, and, I was always in transition!
My tag line is ‘breaking limiting mindsets’, this is a huge part of my own transition to becoming the Purposed Leader that I am today. This didn’t happen overnight, nor did I achieve it alone. My book, Invisible Leader- Stepping Up, Stepping Out chronicles my leadership journey and the lessons I learned and I am grateful to the many coaches and mentors that provided me with support, encouragement and accountability.
My aim is to bring an added extra to benefit you as your coach. I would describe that ‘added extra’ as INSIGHT. Whilst I have unique insight from the many professional and personal transitions that I have experienced, the insight I try to bring concerns you! I am passionate about people stepping up and stepping out into who they were created to be and so I listen, and probe for the ‘real you’, not who you think you should be, or who others expect you to be. Successful transition starts with self-awareness, then you will make transition decisions that reflect and support who you are, or who you’re becoming! That to me is ‘Transitioning well’.
You can learn more about my experience as a business owner,
Government Advisor, Consulting Leader of diverse global teams
at Kitch International Ltd, to learn more about my passion to
develop a new generation of Purposed Leaders I invite
you to browse this website.

passion . personality . purpose . principles
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We facilitate leadership development courses with a difference. We know organisations cannot succeed without great leadership at all levels. Let us help you and your team succeed!