This week I’ve been reflecting on whether my vision is too small. A God sized vision requires God sized faith. Is it lack of faith that holds us back?
How’s my attitude?
Last week I was a speaker at an event and my key take away was that Great Leaders have a growth mindset.
The opposite of a growth mindset is a fixed mindset. It says ‘I am what I am and I cannot change’. Many of us have adopted this attitude. Perhaps because we tried and failed, or we’re not quite like everyone else or others told us we couldn’t. Whatever it is it’s a lie! We must be assured that by the work of the Holy Spirit as we dwell in truth Jesus transforms us, see Romans 12:2
Whatever lie we’ve adopted we to change our mindset and seek God’s perspective on it.
From Fear to faith
My Pastor Don Cousins spoke last week on fear he said:
Fear is the opposite of faith, not unbelief
Ultimately, we don’t get out of the boat because we don’t have trust that God will catch us. We just don’t trust God’s love for us enough. If we did then our lives would reflect the reality that His ‘Perfect love casts out fear‘.
So what do we do with fear?
What’s holding me back?
We need to be specific about our fears.
I challenge you to reflect on what fears are holding you back from being the leader God purposed you to be and to walk out that God sized vision? I encourage you to:
- Set aside time to consider what your fears are – we all have them!
- Ask Holy Spirit to help you see the root of your fear- is it fear of failure? Is it fear of leaving the comfortable for the unknown? Is it past experiences that ended badly?
- Ask God to help you have the proper perspective on the issue and give you faith to trust him with it
- Be gentle on yourself this kind of inner work doesn’t yield fruit overnight.
It’s time to step out in faith – we can do this:
Knowing you’re loved by the God of the Universe and knowing what He’s placed inside of you is key to fulfilling your purpose.
I leave you with this video – Be inspired…
[wpvideo qbzybGk8]
This is awesome.
Thx JoAnn